Interior Template Generator

Create a custom interior template in seconds with our generator tool. Personalize your template with custom fonts and trim sizes.

  1. Select your desired font, font size and trim size using the generator tool to create a interior template file.
  2. Open the template file in your preferred editing program.
  3. Edit the front matter (title page, preface, contents, etc.) to match your book's content. Delete any pages or elements that you do not wish to include in your book.
  4. Starting at the chapter page, paste or write your book's content into the document.
  5. Save or Export your file as a PDF.

Interior Template Generator

How to Adjust Your Word Document for Printing

How to Adjust Your Word Document Size

  1. With your Word document open, find and select the Layout tab from the top menu.
  2. Find and select the Size option from the Layout tab.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select one of the pre-defined page sizes. Once you have made a selection, your document will automatically adjust to the selected size.
word document size 1
  1. To create a custom document size, select the More Paper Sizes option from the dropdown menu.
  2. Input your desired size into the Height and Width fields. By default, size will be measured in inches.
  3. Select Okay to apply the change to your document.
word document size 2

How to Adjust Your Word Document Margins

  1. With your Word document open, find and select the Layout tab from the top menu.
  2. Find and select the Margins option from the menu group.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select one of the pre-defined margin settings. Once you have made a selection, your document will automatically adjust to the selected margin size.
word document margins 1
  1. To create a custom margin size, select the Custom Margins option from the dropdown menu.
  2. Input your desired size into the Top, Bottom, Left and Right fields. By default, size will be measured in inches.
  3. Select Okay to apply the change to your document.
word document margins 2

How to Change Your Word Document Orientation

  1. With your Word document open, find and select the Layout tab from the top menu.
  2. Find and select the Orientation option from the menu group.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select either Portrait or Landscape. Once you have made a selection, your document will automatically adjust your new orientation.
word document orientation

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