Cover Template Generator

Create a custom cover template in seconds with our generator tool. Choose from softcover, hardcover, spiral or dustjacket.

  1. Enter your cover details into the generator to create a cover template file.
  2. Open the template file in your preferred editing program.
  3. Place your cover over the template, aligning your background to the red outer line.
  4. Confirm that your type elements are at least 0.5 inches inside the blue bleed line. This will be your book's final trim size.
  5. Save or Export your file as a PDF.

Cover Template Generator

Cover Submission Instructions

We recommend using InDesign or an image processing program like Photoshop to create your cover. Cover files should be saved as PDFs before submission.

After you have created your cover PDF, thoroughly review it to check for errors and to make sure that it complies with the Cover File Requirements. Once you have placed a deposit for a print order, submit your cover PDF, along with your interior PDF, using our Send Files Tool.

book cover template before
cover template arrows
book cover template after

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